Join/Renew Today! To renew online, scroll down to the membership level portion of this page. Click on the "purchase" button to renew or join.
Colorado Quilting Council’s basic membership is $30 a year, and additional levels let members participate more actively in financial support of CQC. For information on these opportunities, see the membership form. Click below for the 2025 membership form, which is a PDF. You may enter the information requested, then print for mailing to:
1st Vice President for Membership
Colorado Quilting Council, Inc.
P.O. Box 295
Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0295
Members who want to receive printed newsletters by mail should select that membership level on the membership form.
For new members, membership is for 12 months from when payment is received. For renewing members, membership is for 12 months from the renewing members’ anniversary dates. A reminder will be sent the month before the renewal date.
If you select a premium level membership (Piecer, Appliquer, or Sustaining member), you will receive the $10 discount ticket(s) to be used toward the cost of any CQC workshop or retreat class fee, during the year of your membership. You will also receive a letter for your potential (depending on your particular tax situation) tax-deductible donation. These items will be sent via US postal service mail.
Newsletters: Colorado Threads is published 11 times a year. It can be downloaded from this website around the 1st of the month except for the November/December issue, which is published by mid-November. Those receiving the newsletter online can access it earlier in the month and enjoy it in color while saving CQC money. If you prefer to receive a printed and mailed newsletter, select a membership level that includes the mailed newsletter.
Additional benefits of membership include access to the extensive CQC lending library and reasonable membership rates for workshops.
Meetings: Regular meetings are the fourth Saturday of every month except May, September, November, and December. The May meeting is the third Saturday of the month to avoid conflict with the Memorial Day weekend. Quilt-A-Fair takes the place of a September meeting and is held annually at the Boulder County Fairgrounds. November and December meetings are combined for the annual meeting the first Saturday in December.
Meetings begin at 10 a.m. and include a speaker, business meeting, Show and Tell, door prizes, and a chance to meet quilters from throughout the state.
For information: Contact CQC 1st Vice President for Membership Betsy Stewart