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How do I know where to find what I'm looking for on the CQC website?Information is found on the page that corresponds to the topic of interest. Look at the menu at the top of the page for the topic you are interested in. Certain links and forms are located within the Members Only page (accessible in the menu at the top of the page). You must have active CQC membership and log in to access these pages.
The CQC general meeting Zoom link used to be on the Meetings page and now I cannot find it. How do I join the Zoom meeting?Since the Zoom meeting is only available for members, the link can be found under Members Only, on the Meeting Info & Links page. You must have an active membership and must log in with your email address to access this information.
I used to find the newsletters under the Membership menu. The Newsletter Archive is not there now. Where do I find newsletters?Earlier newsletters are still available on the Newsletter Archive page which is now under Members Only on the menu. You must have an active membership and must log in with your email address to access this information.
I'd like to register for a workshop. I cannot find the workshop registration.Workshop information is available under the "Meetings" menu. After "Meetings', click on "Workshops" . You will see a few workshops listed, hit the "register" button for more information or to register for the class you are interested in.
Why is some information on the Members Only pages?CQC wants the public to be aware of CQC and its activities. Therefore, most information is available to non-members as well as members. Membership has certain privileges that non-members do not have, such as attendance in meetings, newsletters, workshop registration, participation in quilt exhibits, etc., so the ability to access these on the website is restricted to active members.
I just joined CQC but the website is not allowing me to log in. What do I do?There are some manual actions to add new members, so it may take a day or two before you receive an email to log into the website. If you are wanting to sign up for a workshop or another action that requires login, contact
How do I know what email address to use to log in?On your membership form, you entered an email address for CQC to contact you. We have used this email address to give you access to the Members Only portion of the CQC website. You should have received an email that instructed you to create a password. You can check the CQC membership roster to verify the email address. If you need further assistance, please contact:
My email address no longer works. What do I do?If you previously were able to log into the CQC website and now receive the error message, this means your email address was removed from the list of members. Check whether your membership has expired by contacting the 1st Vice President of Membership. See the Contacts page.
What do I do if I can't remember my password?When you click the Log In link, you will see a link called Forgot password? If you click this, you will be directed to change your password. Note that some internet browsers will save your password for you.
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