Pictured above:
Infinite space quilting. Slipknot variation block in Littleton
What is the Colorado Quilt Trail?
The Colorado Quilting Council (CQC) joined a national movement to promote Quilt Trails across the United States in 2011. The purpose of this movement was to promote the heritage of quilting in various communities and raise awareness of quilting. Initially, this website only included blocks made through CQC. We invite others to contact us at CQCQuiltTrails@gmail.com if they know of trails or sites in Colorado that they would like included on this web page.
Quilt trails are a celebration of the designs that go into quilt blocks, but
they are not made of fabric like a quilt would be. Quilt block designs
are painted on wood, or another durable surface, and on display for
people to see as they travel through an area, or as they visit shops
and businesses in their own hometown. The blocks are usually 2’
square or 4’ square and may be posted in shop windows or attached
to the sides of buildings. The trail sites in Colorado include
businesses, personal homes, museums, and of course quilt shops.
CQC completed an inventory of the trail sites in 2021-2022. We’re
pleased to report most of the sites are still there to welcome you, and
some new places were added this year.